Economic Research Centre is a private, nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to assess socio-economic processes in Lithuania and foreign countries, to formulate socio-economic insights and present them to public and policymakers, to consult non-governmental organizations and business entities in various organizational process management issues.
Since 1992 Economic Research Centre has carried out over 90 advisory works in different social and economic policy issues, such as economic development, sustainable regional development, public services and business environment. Lately Economic Research Centre seeks to use its experience in development cooperation projects.
Economic Research Centre cooperates with various Lithuania’s public sector institutions, as well as regional, national business and industry associations, non-governmental organizations. Economic Research Centre collaborates with research institutes and consulting companies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and other countries.
Key Economic Research Centre activities are:
Economic Research Centre has experience in conference and similar events planning as well as preparation of guides, informational books and representative publications.
Economic Research Centre clients are not only Lithuanian government and municipal authorities, but also associated structures, non-governmental organizations and business enterprises.
Experience, professionalism and credibility – values that make the organization work for two decades.