Ekonominių tyrimų centras
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project type sector client keyword
Industrial Restructuring in the Baltic States: Lithuania (Vilnius, 1995)
The research project included analysis of ownership transformation process and industrial policy in Lithuania, development of privatisation process and emerging private sector. The project contained analysis of large state-owned enterprises transformation problems (case studies), enterprise-bank relations. As a result of the research projects carried out in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the book under the title New Neighbours in Eastern Europe: Economic and Industrial Reform in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia was published (Paris, 1998).
Inventory of Private Sector Development Work in Lithuania (Vilnius, 1994)
The Inventory contained information on technical and financial assistance provided for private sector development in Lithuania according to the following topics: small business development, sources of finance, trade, entrepreneur organizations, privatization, foreign investment, ownership structures, and legal framework. The project also included information about studies, research and main databases related to this issue.
National Tourism Development Programme (Vilnius, 1994)
The Programme covered such issues as social and economic prerequisites for the development of tourism in Lithuania; data on flows of tourists; tourism resources; accommodation base; services and entertainment; tourism transport; analysis of marketing, privatisation and investment in tourism sphere. Proposals for the governmental structures and plan of implementation of the Program were also presented.
Concentration of Capital as the Result of Investment Stock Companies Activities in the Privatisation Process in Lithuania (Vilnius, 1994)
The project included analysis of privatisation process (goals and methods, problems of unused investment vouchers, privatisation not according to the Law on Primary Privatisation), analysis of investment stock companies (ISC) activities (legal framework, data on ISC, their types and strategies, opinion of the population on ISC), results of ISC activities (forming of concerns and ISC groups, main sectors of their activities and social-economic consequences of this process).
Public Administration Reform (Vilnius, 1993)
The Programme covered such issues as trends of restructuring of public administration system, functions and responsibilities of governmental structures and state institutions; regional administration reform; reform of municipalities. The Programme also included proposals for implementation of the Reform.
Economic Reform Correction and Radicalization Programme (Vilnius, 1992)
The Programme included statements, proposals and recommendations for development of economic reforms in such fields as tax system, monetary system, finance and credit, international economic relations, labour market, public administration, ownership. It also contained analysis and proposals on economic policy, macroeconomic programmes, human and material resources.
UAB ”Klaipėdos kartono tara“ debt restructuring advisors (2003–2004)
ERC advised UAB “Klaipėdos kartono tara“ on debt (12 million LTL) restructuring issues, took part in negotiations with creditors (Ministry of Finance), investors, and banks.
AB ”Vingriai“ debt restructuring advisors (2004)
ERC provided consultations to AB “Vingriai” on debt (8 million LTL) restructuring (write-off) issues, prepared company’s debt restructuring project that was submitted to creditors (State Tax Inspectorate and State Social Insurance Fund Board) and to Competition Council of Lithuania.
Light Conversion, Ltd. - project "Production of microoptics elements for lasers" (2004)
ERC advised UAB MGF „Šviesos konversija“ in the process of preparation of application and related documents for the financing via PHARE programme (2004)
UAB “Girių bizonas“ – project "Establishment of new timber processing factory" (2004)
ERC prepared investment project as well as application for the financing of EU Structural Funds. In 2006 UAB “Girių bizonas” received EU SF financial support for it’s investment project (establishment of new timber processing factory) according to the Lithuania’s 2004–2006 SPD. Amount of SF funding received – 45,69 million LTL, total value of the project – 168 million LTL.
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Teatro str. 8-16, LT-03107 Vilnius, Lietuva
Phone: +370 (5) 2 61 26 90, e-mail: info(at)erc.lt
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